Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Apparently I'm a Social Liberal - although there were a few of questions where I wasn't exactly sure what they were asking... Really, I'm just saying that because I don't like thinking I'm "mainstream" about anything.

Social Liberal

A social liberal believes in little to moderate government intervention on personal matters and moderate to high government intervention on economic matters. They tend to be opposed to war, police powers, victimless crimes, and what they may consider to be a corporate state or rogue capitalism. They generally support personal liberty and believe in a social safety net or welfare state. They support self-ownership and privacy. Social liberals are essentially the "mainstream" left and left of center.

Take The Politics Test at HelloQuizzy


Blogger Jesse said...

Dude, I took the test and got exactly the same result as you! Thought I'd be more Libertarian, but I guess I just don't trust people who have all the money enough...

10/23/2008 2:04 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

That was probably my downfall too.. I saw this originally on a friends myspace - she was more libertarian and I didn't know what that meant!

10/24/2008 10:31 AM  

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