Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The weekend

..was pretty low key for me in general. i didn't really do anything other than cook and hang with Matt and Sandra, go to the garden meeting, write a paper while watching Lost, laundry, hanged with Liz and Tyler, play with the food blog, talked to my parents and taught them how to skype (it's funny that it sounds like a lot of stuff when I list it all out)... but THEN! Sunday night DnA and I played a Settlers marathon. It was good fun even though I lost every single game. We played one Settlers of Catan and two games of Settlers of the Stone Age. I really like the Stone Age game. I've gotten a little bored of regular settlers and it's been great to try and figure out this new one. The main difference is that the board is always the same. You always have to start in Africa and then try and populate the world. Overall a very fun night of getting frustrated with probability and realizing that I have no strategy.

Monday I went to NADA in the morning and then lazed around until it was time to go to the garden and do our part of the clean up. We were set with the task of removing diseased banana trees - we filled (and I mean FULL) 11 giant bags full of trees and dead fall. We're very proud of ourselves and will hopefully be returning soon to get our root veggie section ready to go. I need PARSNIPS!!


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