Monday, November 27, 2006

New Job

So I got a new job last week. I am now an official beautifier. For a selected number of hotels, I now beautify plants and foliage for a living. This includes watering, pruning, picking off dead flowers and leaves, and (my favorite and yours!) picking up all the trash all the stupid tourists and locals throw in the plants.

Actually I like the pruning the best. It tickles my budding feng shui self, and my perfectionist artsy side.

I'm not getting paid nearly as much, but right now it's worth it not to have to deal with the amount of bullshit MFA was constantly soaking in. I bought an ipod yesterday (I feel like such a sell out with a car AND an ipod... yuk) with the intention of finding an voice recorder and carting it along to school with me. Then, I can be studious at work! I'm actually extremely excited about this!! I hope I can pull it off!


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