Friday, October 28, 2005


So I'm super-caffeinated and excited to go to Ozomatli tonight! Althought it is shadowed by the disappointment of Dave having to work (I'm sure the stars will be the same LATER... unh.. *bitch face with snake head*) =(.. whose gonna appreciate me in my tinkerbell costume?

In other news, I'm annoyed that only Jesse commented on my math post (see below), and NO ONE commented on any of my new NZ stuff! I was all excited, and no one cared - excpet jesse, he gets a hug; whereas you-all (whomever you are, since you don't leave comments..) get nothing. So there. I hope you've learned your lesson.

And in the business section, I got a raise this week.. the yearly "Thanks for not asking us any questions, and not being overly obvious about how little work you actually do while your brain is rotting" raise. Almost a 10% raise! Preettty good for not doing anything at work half (or more) of the time. I did the math and it's 9.14% more than my salary from last year. Kick ass.


Blogger Jesse said...

Damn woman, who's the sugar momma now?

10/28/2005 6:28 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

Should I gt one of those long things that people put their cigarettes in to make them all long and silly looking?

10/29/2005 12:14 PM  

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