Thursday, January 5, 2006


I hate to say it (but I'm not entirely sure why), I've discovered Podcasts... and they're wonderful. They have made the normal drudgery of sitting at my desk (either doing nothing or actually working) tolerable and even interesting. I get to listen to my favorite NPR shows that I frequently miss cause i don't have a radio and I don't have a car to drive around listening to the radio in. The best part is you can download OLD shows! Not just the new ones! I have 7 monts of Science Fridays downloading right now!!! Not to mention a week of Democracy Now! - not sure why I don't have 7 months of that show.. I'd certainly love it. yay.. I have a big warm, if not slightly smug happy spot shining around me.

Depending on how good I get at listening, thinking, and working all at the same time, you might even find some interesting stuff right here because of this new found wealth of information. Maybe you should even down load yourself some itunes and get your own.


Blogger Jesse said...

So I've been meaning to get into podcasts. They actually have podcasts for cartoons and such as well (shoutcast on winamp). Also, how did you get so many hot friends? Seriously I would've lost my mind with all you hotties (you're included of course) hangin around my place!

1/05/2006 12:18 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

(imagine snooty voise)I ONLY become friends with hotties.. it's a prerequisit ( I have no idea how to spell that, which totally ruins the snooty voice - kind of like realizing halfway through some witty remark that you have nothing witty to say - which happens to me all the time)


1/05/2006 1:52 PM  

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