Thursday, December 14, 2006


Finals are FINALLY over... not that I'm out of stuff to do.. notebooks and other busy work are quickly whittling away my will to do anything but sit on the beach and flop around.

SO after finding out that all of us failed out medical terminology final, taking our surface anatomy final, and finally taking our anatomy and phisiology final, Jesse, Chris, Jon, and I headed to Anna Banana's to have a few consilitory drinks and some good chitchat. It was just what I needed - I'm assuming they did too. It was great fun talking story and getting to know each other even better. Chris, Jesse, and I even got to meet Jon's new girl friend!! Her name is Lisa and she was very nice (and intelligent.. for those of you who were wondering *wink*). It was good fun seeing Jon look so pleased with himself but totally meek and shy at the same time. They seem very happy with each other. Good stuff!

Jesse missed by a long shot, but Jon and Lisa just missed meeting Chris's wife Tik. The 3 of us stayed at Anna's waxing philosophical (and getting shit for being lazy) until WAY too late. I don't think I got home until 130am or something like that.


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