Thursday, October 11, 2007

For Brittany

So Brittany has demanded an update, and unfortunately, I don't really feel like I have much to report. It's business and life as usual over here. I go to work Monday thru Wednesday and Clinic on Thursday and Friday, sometimes Saturday. I do homework, hang with Dave, and try to have fun the rest of the time.

I am getting ready (in some way) to go to China on the 30th. I need to buy kung fu shoes, figure out what clothes to bring since it's going to be both freezing and tropical (why should it be easy?), we're going to hospital and such so we need to look professional, and we're going to be going out for dinners and such so we have to look nice too. And casual of course... BUT we're supposed to pack light. These things all seem contradictory to me.

I just finished listening to To Kill A Mockingbird, which I hadn't read since 9th grade. It was great. I could remember nothing of the story except Scout Finch so it was a great surprise how wonderful it was. I love spunky, feisty children.


Blogger Brittany said...

woohoo! an update just for me! so are you going to have internet in china? or are you going to be doing work in the rice patties with your feet wading in water? haha. well hope that all goes well with that! cheerio :)

10/14/2007 2:33 AM  

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