Saturday, November 3, 2007

China Day 3

Today all of us received treatments from the 3 masters. We were offered Qi Gong treatment, acupuncture, an astrology reading, I Ching reading, and Qi Gong private lesson. We were given one choice for free and then if we wanted more, we had to pay an extra 100 Yuan (Chinese dollar) per each extra treatment (about $13.50). Most of us wanted to experience everything, and some people paid for one of everything. I asked for Qi Gong treatment, acupuncture, and astrology (what the hell, right? $13 from a supposed master). It took pretty much all day for everyone to get most of what they asked for - no one got acupuncture as far as I know - I traded mine for an I Ching consultation as translation was a huge issue and my first meeting which was the astrology reading had no one to tell Master Xiang what I was there for. He taught me a Taoist mudra that represents the Ba Gua and a proper way to stand while making the mudra. Since there was no one to tell him what I was there for I had to resort to quick thinking - I asked him why he thought my fingers were different sizes and what that meant to an astrologer, since I've always wondered about that. I haven't had a chance to have anyone translate it yet, but I'll let you know.

Master Wei told me after my Qi Gong consultation told me that all my insides were working properly and that he has some exercises to show me to help my Spleen, Liver, and Kidney deficiencies. It's always good to hear that your insides are working properly.

I asked Master Yang for a general consultation for my I Ching reading which turned out to just be an astrology reading since I didn't actually have a specific question. He told me that I'm excellent academically and that school is very good for me. I should continue in school as far as I want to because there will always be enough money for me to continue. I should go as high as I want. I'd have no problem becoming a doctor. He also told me that I shouldn't worry about my relationship until after I graduate. He also said that I am a very special person (aww). I wish that I would have asked what kind of special, but I got shy.

While waiting around for all of my consultations and treatments, I found that I could get online and finally tell everyone that we are doing well and no one's gotten any food poisoning. Good stuff. Since very few people had brought computers there was definitely a line forming in my room of people wanting to check their email. This was great, but definitely kept me from getting as much writing done as I would have liked.

After all the treating was done for the day I went and got a foot massage with Chris at the massage place 2 doors down from our hotel. It was very interesting. The girl who was working on Chris was very excited to have people to speak English with. She said it had been 3 years since she had gotten to speak. They though my feet were really funny because they're so skinny and boney and were surprised to find out that neither Chris or I had any children. We spoke about how Americans marry very late.

As we walked out of the massage place we got told that we were about to go to a special restaurant where they only serve organic foods. It was by far the best meal we've had so far. SOOOO delicious! Again, Bowen has pictures of all the food and I'm hoping to get my hands on them soon!

The night out was way more fun than anyone was ready for and all has to stay on the DL until we're back in the states!


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