Friday, August 4, 2006

Hot chicks in hard hats

So I'm out working at Diamond Head for the next month (so far) on a soil nailing job. It's pretty chill for me - I sit there and watch these guys drill 1.5" galvanized steel rods into a big sand pile. Good thing for me, the 2 guys (Pepe and Steve) are hilarious. Lots of good shit talk, horsing around and general good natured goofiness. I fit right in (yay!).

So here's a pic of the tippy top of Diamond Head with a bunch of gawkers (tourists) at the top..

The view from the site..


And what I'm looking at all day.. Yes it is hot as hell in that sand box, how astute of you to notice! I really just wanted to say astute there. I'm not sure if it's an appropriate choice of words, but I don't care. Take it and like it.

Some rich guy is building a 15 million dollar addition to his house next door - an art gallery and studio. Must be nice. The guys we're working for just came off a project where they built a 20 million dollar house on Maui overlooking Big Beach.


Blogger geekedout said...

you used the word right. perhaps just "how astute" but that's just your grammar nazi influence talking.... ;)

it would be nice to consume resources like there's no tomorrow (like the people you're building a house for), but somehow i can't seem to get over the idea that there is a tomorrow, and that jeebus isn't going to raze this place to the ground anytime soon.

8/08/2006 7:27 PM  

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