Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Cuddle-bunnies in the Sun! (part 1)

This is a kick ass shot from Dave's flight home from Boulder last April. It really shows the cliffs on the south winward side of the island well. The beach at the bottom is Waimanalo Beach - where we spent Friday, and where Rowezee and Katherine went more than a couple fo times...

We (me, Dave, and the Dr.) got out the door Friday morning - early since I took the day off of work - and made our way out to Waimanalo Beach for a girly photo shoot. Special K had patience for nothing but surfing... and surfing NOW! She spent the day at Waikiki surfing that little butt off =).

We got to the beach early enough that hardly anyone were there. The most people on the beach were there for some 'real' kind of photo shoot or filming of some kind.. complete with a fake tree and screens and everything. Rosie and I were a little shy at first, but we finally warmed up and and started laughing.. I wish I could remember all the silly things Rowezee was saying.

We've had an amazing month of clear beautiful weather! When
Special K got here, I thought for sure it'd start raining the next day, but it didn't. and then Friday came and I thought, now Rowzee's here and it's going to rain tomorrow since it's one of our only days to hang out.. and again it didn't. In the 2+ years I've lived here, I've never seen the tops of the mountains for so many days in a row.. maybe only for a couple of hours.. I'm not sure if I'd ever seen the tops of the windward mountains!

It was so great to have such silly girls come visit - we laughed so much - I hope it keeps me smiling from the memories for a good long time =) - hopefully that's not too sappy for all y'all cuase you're just going to have to take it and like it, or give me shit in the comments. Which I will take and like.. it'll be a nice little circle.

Cuddle-bunnies in the Sun! (part 2)

Isn't that just the best Special K pic ever? I love it! She looks so happy and excited! I just want to jump into the pic and give her a big hug. This was taken at Kualoa Beach on The 19th when I had to work and the girlies went and played with Dave. There's just so much me and Rowzee right now, that it just didn't seem right without some Special K. Wow. I've written special so many times now that it just doesn't look like a word. Isn't it funny how that happens? The first word I did that with was protein. I just kept saying it in my head and then it just kind of stopped making any sense.. I was only 9 or 10 though, so maybe it was just me.

ANYWAY! That was quite the tangent.

Sqeualsquealsqueal! (in girly voice) Oh! this beach is soooo wet and sandy! I just can't seem to do anything but bounce and flail!


(still in girly voice) Oooh nothing going on here.. just a little frolicking!!

I think I need just a little
more sand in my
bikini bottoms..
don't you?

Dave caught me!

We are actually wearing bottoms here, even if it doesn't look like it.
We're soooo naughty (evil little grin)!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Cuddle-bunnies in the Sun! (part 3)

I can't say it too many times.. Rowzee was making me laugh so hard, I thoughtI was going to wet my pants. I can't conjure what she was saying cause I was too busy cracking up to remember what is was. CRAP!

Let's run slow motion in the water!

Here's Dave doing a nice dive over the wave scissor kick..

He caught me. And I couldn't get away.

Rowezee and Victoria.. ;)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Girly Visit (Arrival and North Shore)!!!

GIRLYS EVERYWHERE!!! I'm so excited! Special K and Rowezee have come to visit! Just what I needed, lots of stupid crappy pink girly-ness all over =* (that's the scrunch-face)... yay! AND since it's girly-ness allover the place... everything is going to be written in PINK!

Special K got here Tuesday and girled it up solo while I was at work by bussing into Waikiki and checking out the aquarium and trying to fit in some learn how to surf time while getting back home in time for some nice cow dinner (before the vegeterriblian gets here).

I met her down there on Friday - we were both in eager anticipation of Rowzee's arrival and were squirming away on her hotel balcony talking about how Dr. Rowzee would have to use some of her Dr-ness to help out our pink places.. ;) Dinner was at Mediterraneo with DnA and Tony and was very tastey but rather tough on my digestion Sat. morning.... it's still kind of continuing.. (gross).

BUT then I got the rental car HOOK UP from David (YAY) and walked away with a steel gray convertable hehehehe it sure was fun suprizing the girlies with that =) And off we were for bikini shopping in Haleiwa and then on to the BEACH!

Here's Waimea Bay, Special K's #1 request...

Me and Dr. Rowezee..

Dr. Rowezee and Special K at 3 Tables/Rubberducks

The girly trio at 3 tables

We just missed the end of the daily Pipe Masters Competition, but I did get pics of the sand caught between Rowezee and her new bikini...

And Special K caught some surfer crack...

Girly Visit (Special K Sunday)!!

Girly Week continues with Special K Sunday! We wished luck to Rowezee as she left nervously (but looking HOT of course) for her conference and long awaited talk, then sped off for a tour of the south east side of Oahu. We drove through Hawaii Kai and made our first stop for Hanauma Bay:

Speaking of Special K... here she is!

Then as K was telling me over and over how crappy and ugly this island is, we rounded the corner for the drive between Hanauma and Sandy's - personally, this is one of my favorite places on the island. .

We rounded Makapu'u Point and found 'definitely the crappiest' part of the island. This is Makapu'u Beach, a well known body surfing/boarding place with a mean shore break
- uuuupwhomp! I've never seen it looking so clean!

Here with Rabbit Island...


Monday, December 12, 2005

Kauai - Morning of the Canyon

Now I know this is a little overwhelming.. but hopefully my pics are good enough that you'll all look at the lot of them. I wanted to post many more, but I figure they kind of all look the same so if you're interested I'm uploading them to my Yahoo photo account (but to warn you I didn't take out the crappy ones). Or you could just come over and look at the with me ;)!

So I woke the morning of November 23 weakly determined to blow off work (cause I finished it yesterday, right? Right!) and explore the southern extents of the Island of Kauai.

This was the one and only posted lookout on the road (dave would have been so sad). A nice little canyon in the dawn sunlight.. ooo... aaahhh.... ooohh.

Moving along, I drove right to the Waimea Canyon road and took more pics than anyone really is going to want to look at. I originally thought the had turned out very poorly, but I think that's cause my memory was a little too fresh. Pics are never as good as the real thing, so waiting to do this was actually a good thing. You'll notice that the rain (that I can't seem to get away from when I visit places!) eventually came slowly sauntering in, challenging my photography skills.

I just couldn't get enough of this waterfall.

Kauai - Morning of the Canyon 2

Here's the view! The rain gives it an interesting misty look, don't you think? *grin*

Continuing on down (up) the road, I headed on to the Kalalau lookout. I can tell this would have been spectacular, so I'll just have to go back!
So I got some pretty wet flowers..

This is the getting to the mouth of the valley.. out of the rain

And the obligatory picture of me in my grubby work clothes =)!

Kauai - mad rushing

So after I spent the whole morning trying to see the "Grand Canyon of the Pacific" (Waimea Canyon), I tried to get as much of the rest of the island in as I could! I drove to the end of the road on the southwest side. I thought I was getting into a cool mountain-side park (cause that's what the sign said) but it turned out to be restriced military land with all types of fences and signs talking about live fire and what-not.

So I went speeding back down the road - it was so fun with no one else around! And got back to this nice beach I had seen off the road.. with a nice little valley across from it.

Being on the sounthwest side of the island afforded me some kick-ass views of Niihau (knee-ee-how)! That sailboat had perfect timing =)

I couldn't resist some footprint pics..

After a few mintues on the beach, I realized I had just enough time to speed back to a town, eat, return the car, repack, and get my ass to the airport on the shuttle bus! Crap! I had been having so much fun speeding around taking pics of a place I hadn't been to and Dave hasn't been to... I didn't wanna go! And I certainly didn't get pics of everything worth taking pics of! So I did some driving pics hoping something would come out..

And finally, the classic "I'm sitting on the wrong side of the airplane for the good views, but there was nothing I could do about it" pics. At least I got a cool polarizer rainbow!