This is a kick ass shot from Dave's flight home from Boulder last April. It really shows the cliffs on the south winward side of the island well. The beach at the bottom is Waimanalo Beach - where we spent Friday, and where Rowezee and Katherine went more than a couple fo times...

We (me, Dave, and the Dr.) got out the door Friday morning - early since I took the day off of work - and made our way out to Waimanalo Beach for a girly photo shoot. Special K had patience for nothing but surfing... and surfing NOW! She spent the day at Waikiki surfing that little butt off =).
We got to the beach early enough that hardly anyone were there. The most people on the beach were there for some 'real' kind of photo shoot or filming of some kind.. complete with a fake tree and screens and everything. Rosie and I were a little shy at first, but we finally warmed up and and started laughing.. I wish I could remember all the silly things Rowezee was saying.

We've had an amazing month of clear beautiful weather! When

Special K got here, I thought for sure it'd start raining the next day, but it didn't. and then Friday came and I thought, now Rowzee's here and it's going to rain tomorrow since it's one of our only days to hang out.. and again it didn't. In the 2+ years I've lived here, I've never seen the tops of the mountains for so many days in a row.. maybe only for a couple of hours.. I'm not sure if I'd ever seen the tops of the windward mountains!

It was so great to have such silly girls come visit - we laughed so much - I hope it keeps me smiling from the memories for a good long time =) - hopefully that's not too sappy for all y'all cuase you're just going to have to take it and like it, or give me shit in the comments. Which I will take and like.. it'll be a nice little circle.