Saturday evening we caught a ride up to the North Shore with Dagny and Brandon for Julius' going away party. Julius being the crazy German he is, this get-together had lots of fun potential. WE brought the fire twirling gear and after some dinner debaucles, finally made it to Keiki Beach (with a fine piece of carrot cake from Ted's.. yum!).
As we walked up, there was a flat pool on top of the beach formed by the waves coming up high on the sand. It was beautiful. When I walked by a bigger wave ran up the beach and pushed into it. It was super cool, but the swell was receeding and the pool slowly shrank through sunset.
Juilius and his silly roommates (I hadn't known he had silly roommates or I'd have hung out with them!) showed up not too long after us and we had a fine time talking about New Zealand adventures (one of them is a Kiwi who had another kiwi friend visiting) and how feijoas are the best things ever. Unfortuantely they all are leaving Monday =(
Me and Dagny eating
The evening became more interesting when a couple of guys came down from the vacation rentals to hang with us. It started raining and they invited us up to their deck to finish our BBQ and chill for a while.
This turned into a number of strange discussions for me, which were all started up because I told them I'm a geologist. Instantly it was global warming talk with 2 guys from socal and 1 from nyc who clearly didn't know anything about global warming. It was pretty funny, cause usually I am NOT the best person to explain anything to anybody, unless it's directions with a map or how to cook something.. but I suprised myself and did (I think) a pretty good job. I even tried to prove the validity of plate tectonics and defended not believing in Jesus without getting irritated and impatient! Go me! It was good to talk to someone who is even more scattered than me - I now have a new perspective =).
We eventually left the NS and headed back to town to finish the night at the astro house. I had some mulled mead and a sugar bomb midori drink while shooting the shit and twirling some homemade glowsticks to early 90s hip hop. good stuff.