So yesterday at Sunset Beach we wished Claire a nice fare-well, complete with morning smashing by a drunken Japanese.. it was hard not to tear up with the last hug, but it was so much fun having her around I didn't want to spoil it with sadness so off she went to the airport with Sean. Steve, Emily, Dave, and I went back to the sand and water to try for a little more sleep (thanks, hiroshi), this did not keep me from grumping.
And, after a tasty sandwich from Paradise Cafe it was back to the house for final cleaning and nap time. ohohohohhh... nap time....
Now I can't get my computer to see my hard drive. which sucks for many reasons, but mostly cause I wanted to add some more pics to my NZ stuff and I can't. Dave's computer also won't see it. I'm blaming Mike and his dirty hard drive for all my troubles. So there. Damn computers. they're nothing but trouble.